Louise Savage

RN BSc (Hons) MSc

Louise has considerable experience in community and General Practice, social and palliative care. Her career and expert knowledge extend from the practice and training of others in extended practice as a Nurse Practitioner to running a social care business for a local charity.

Louise is an experienced expert witness often instructed to provide reports in relation to Liability, Care, Aids and Equipment on individuals who have sustained multiple and complex injuries arising from trauma/clinical negligence.

Louise stabilised and operationally managed a community social care agency for a hospice, including the establishment of a bridging service to manage the discharge of clients into the community, working with multidisciplinary agencies to ensure the delivery of the service. Louise has extensive experience in recruiting and training of staff and in managing domiciliary care packages and rehabilitation.  She continues her practical experience as a Nurse Practitioner for a GP out of hours service.  Her clinical experience is wide ranging as well as her knowledge of community organisations.

The Covid 19 pandemic has further extended Louise’s experience working in a swabbing centre, for the Test and Trace Service and undertaking remote triage using photo attachments and video consultations.

As a TG Associate , Louise provides Liability and Care, Aids and Equipment reports for both claimants and defendants as well as on joint instructions.  She has experience of giving evidence in Court both remotely and in person at the High Courts of Justice.

Bethany Bishop


Bethany is an experienced senior clinical Nurse who has worked in both the NHS and private hospitals for over 30 years.

Such experience includes being fully proficient with both quality and regulatory structures throughout clinical areas including ICU, renal transplants, theatre recovery and anaesthetic pre-assessment wards.

She prepares reports for claimants and defendants and as a single joint expert in liability cases, relating to standards of nursing and care, acceptable practice and risk management.